The Moat and Waterways

We caution our students to be very mindful when in or around the moat. It houses many creatures and some are more aggressive than others. While we don't believe any creatures are a threat to the students, it's in the best interest of all if you just don't test your luck.
The entryway for our aquatic students is kept clear so it is safe to come and go from that area. You may also access the waterways through this entrance, which will lead you throw the waterfilled hallways to viewing areas for the classrooms. It is here you can study alongside you fellow non-aquatic students.
We ask that you please refrain from littering in the hallways as your trash floats out into the moat and sea creatures there will either eat it or get tangled in among it. Last time one of the larger creatures ate an empty box of cupcakes and the frosting gave them a sugar high so intense they nearly knocked down the left tower.

The Waterways
The Waterways are a feature unique to Maleficium Academy. They are a series of waterfilled hallways that thread throughout the building, many of which lead into classrooms, where large wall-sized windows are for students to watch. Audio is filtered into the viewing areas so they can hear while they watch.
The Waterways are lit by underwater crystals and bioluminescence, allowing students to easily see as they swim through, navigating the tunnels. We pride ourselves in this unique feature, as it lends itself to our standards on inclusivity.

Images of the Waterway
(coming soon!)

Creatures in our Moat
You can click images to enlarge them!
Mo the Hippocampus
Mo is the mascot of Maleficium Academy. She is known to be a very passive and docile creature, which is why she allows students to approach her, and even to pet her. So long as students are respectful and quiet they are permitted to interact with her. Mo inhabits the moat encircling the main school building. She can usually be spotted swimming beneath the water within the moat and surrounding bodies of water. She swims rather swiftly, using echolocation to feel her way through murkier waters, with her low and deep tones resounding throughout the area.