While Maleficium Academy does support the Coven Track System, our institution is not funded by The Emperor's Coven. We are privately funded.
The Coven Tracks

The Abomination Coven specializes in abomination-conjuring. The Abomination track is highly regarded at rival schools, such as Hexside, and affords those on it greater opportunities for success upon graduation.

The Bard Coven specializes casting spells through music. Using instruments and vocals, this track is highly regarded for the pleasantry of the music it creates. Having great skills in Bard magic is considered very sophisticated.

The Beast Keeping Coven specializes in the study and taming of magical creatures. Beast Keeping magic is highly sought after as there are a wide variety of creatures roaming the Boiling Isles, many of which pose a threat to witch and demon livelihood.

The Construction Coven specializes in building structures and earth magic. This field of magic is a particularly lucrative one, should any student prove to be exceptionally skilled in it. The addition of Power Glyphs can aid in boosting your abilities!

The Healing Coven specializes in curing wounds and ailments. Healing magic is often considered to be a very technical one, and requires not only skill, but patience and perseverance.

The Illusionist Coven specializes in casting illusions. There is a great deal of showmanship involved when casting Illusionist magic, so one must be captivating and awe-inspiring in their displays.

The Oracle Coven specializes in fortunetelling and clairvoyance. It is also known as the Fortune Tellers Coven. Casting this magic requires intuitiveness and spiritualism. Many top ranking Oracle specialists are highly coveted.

The Plant Coven specializes in plant magic. Plant magic allows the user to create and control plant life, bending it to your will. As such, Plant magic users must be strong-willed and resolute, but still have kindness in their hearts.

The Potions Coven specializes in potion making. The best potion makers can skillfully create a wide variety of elixirs. These can range from love potions to cure-alls! This is a very lucrative field of study.