Professor Smith Cathaway
Gender: Male
Race: Wolpertinger (Demon)
Occupation: Teacher
Coven: Potions
Palismen: N/A

Professor Cathaway is a strict and inflexible teacher.
With a no-nonsense attitude and low tolerance for class disruptions, Cathaway is arguably the most strict professor currently enrolled at the academy. While at first he may come across as mean-spirited or bitter, he shows a great love and passion for potions if the class allows him to. When teaching students who are engaged with the class, he is known to become very energetic and even smile while explaining subjects. If he understands that a student genuinely wants to pass, he has no issue scheduling a tutoring session (where some rumor he’s a lot more casual).
However, slackers, cheaters, or otherwise “unruly” students who wish to learn potions had best prepare themselves for one of the most intense and unforgiving classes that they will ever have to pass. His ears hear all, and every student had best know it.