Professor Csoda Csirke
Gender: FtM (He/Him)
Race: Lidérc (Witch)
Occupation: Oracle
Coven: Abominations
Palismen: N/A

Professor Csoda Csirke comes from a long line of very well-to-do chicken witches. From a young age they were gifted in Oracle Magics, having accurate premonitions, the ability to foresee events at the request of others, and capable of creating clairvoyant objects.
Although they studied and graduated from Hexside, when they were approached by the Maleficium Academy with the proposal to teach, they happily accepted, citing that they had foreseen excellent things should they take the offer.
Csoda is a very curious sort, prone to sneaking peaks into peoples' futures, and giggling at the insight. They love to learn and hungrily eat up any new knowledge they acquire. They have a hefty wealth of knowledge because of this.