Maleficium Academy is one of the many schools on the Boiling Isles dedicated to educating young witches and demons in the arts of witchcraft and demonics. But unlike rival schools Hexside and Glandus, Maleficium Academy is not an institution affiliated with the Emperor's Coven.
It does not receive any funding from the Emperor's Coven and as such is not as strict with regards to Coven Tracks. Rather than limiting students to a single form of Coven Magic, Maleficium Academy embraces the idea that students can learn multiple tracks of magic, and are free to choose which magics best suit them.
Being outside of The Emperor's Coven's funding, Maleficium Academy is privately financed by sponsors, which is why more than just witches and demons attend our institution. The support of our alumni and other parties keeps our fine academy running. We thank you.
School History
Maleficium Academy was established by the First Headmaster, a powerful witch known as Isobel Moll. She, and her associates carve the Right Tower out of and into one of the Titan's massive ribs. Supposedly Isobel was told by the Titan itself to do this. From there came the boneless Left Tower. Over the decades the school has continued to add buildings and features, including our waterway hallways for aquatic students.
Currently Maleficium Academy offers the standard Coven tracks approved by The Emperor's Coven. But unlike the stringent restrictions given by The Emperor's Coven, we do not enforce the single track mentality. And we invite a wider variety of students through our doors.
• Grudgby
• Upcoming Club
• Upcoming Club
• Upcoming Club
• Malficium Academy is the only school on the Isles that hosts aquatic students.
• Our school's colours, pink, blue and white, are to represent the coral in our moat, the water that surrounds us and freedom to grow as you please.
• Maleficium Academy has a mascot in the form of the hippocampus that lives in our moat: Mo!

Location: The Boiling Isles
• Headmaster Malleus
• Abominations Professor
• Professor Tenor Phindrel
• Professor Yagra Hogminh
• Professor Jericho Atwood
• Professor Joel
• Illusions Professor
• Professor Csoda Csirke
• Professor Raci Oakar
• Professor Smith Cathaway