Nagas: The Serpentine Witches of the Isles
Naga’s are a race of half snake half witches that inhabit the boiling isles. Once thought to be a part of the demon race, recent studies have found they fit more comfortably as a subtype of witch.
Naga’s history remains closely tied to that of most other witches and demons of the isles, as they have been recorded as living among them for as long as we can observe.
A Naga’s anatomy is quite simple to understand, with the upper half of a witch and the lower half of a snake. When it comes down to it, they are witches in every sense of the word, even the special bile sacs required to naturally cast spells can be found.
While they are warm blooded as a witch is, their tails are extremely sensitive to the cold, and it can cause them to become sluggish if they are not careful.
In addition to this, the scales found along their body and their tail do go through a “shedding” phase about once every 3 months. During this time, it is important for the Naga to have patience and not tear off the shed before it is ready, as this can damage the newer scales underneath.

Naga’s do not seem to possess any significant differences in magical prowess than a standard witch.
A Naga’s diet does not have many significant differences from a standard witch, however, Naga’s must consume a higher amount of food due to the amount of energy their tails exert while moving.
Naga’s find themselves at home amongst most other races in the boiling isles. They do not appear to be treated any differently or act any differently than a standard witch when it comes to forming community and familial relationships.
No distinct hierarchy patterns can be observed with the Naga race, as they have lived among witches for as long as we can observe. They have been treated as equals by most all during their recorded history, and as such, did not develop a system separate to that of witches.
Much like witches, Naga’s show a multitude of sexualities, identities, and ways to find love. It is very common for a Naga to date, marry, and spend their life dedicated to their partner or partners of choice.
Naga’s, like most biological beings, reproduce sexually. As expected of a species with reptilian qualities, their young hatch from eggs laid by a parent. A typical clutch of eggs usually ranges from 4-7 eggs, however it is possible for fewer or more to be laid in extremely rare cases.
As stated previously a multitude of sexual and gender based identities have been observed in Nagas . Should a naga feel as though their form does not properly represent them, a series of altering potions can be given to help achieve the Naga’s desired appearance and sex.