Professor Mary Eastey
Gender: Female
Race: Witch
Occupation: Teacher
Coven: Abominations
Palismen: N/A

Professor Mary Eastey is a recent graduate from Maleficium Academy, who succeeded the previous Abominations Professor after his retirement, making her the youngest educator on the Boiling Isles. She's a very talented witch, gifted in Abomination magic, and always trying to excel. She's known for attempting to combine other magics with Abomination magic, which has a 30% success rate thus far. Things often explode. Which is why she sports the safety glasses.
She wears a cape-like garment which is made entirely of Abomination goo. She thinks it matches well with her father's jacket, which she borrowed to make her look more professional. She's an inexperienced teacher, but looks forward to helping educate the students of Maleficium Academy.