Professor Joel
Gender: Non-Binary (NB)
Race: Demon (Bipedal)
Occupation: Teacher
Coven: Healing
Palismen: N/A

Joel is a calm and collective demon, almost having this soothing aura around them. While despite having any lack of eyes, he has limited psychic powers that work as his eyes. Extremely patient with their students, quickly asking if the student would like some help. Has a sense of humor in that with new students they will talk with their second mouth on their stomach, which is a much more deep and gravely voice, to give the students a spook.
He will also use his second mouth to keep problematic students in check. Joel will not tolerate tomfoolery in his class as the life of others are often in the hands of the healing coven and to play with a witch's life is crime that not even the petrification will suffice.