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Earning Points

Points are part of a system by which you accumulate values based on the art you submit to the group. Points are cumulative, which means they do not deplete when you "spend them." Essentially you need to earn a certain amount of points in order to unlock features that aren't available to lower level students.


Points can be used to make your student eligible for Dual-Tracking (being in more than one Coven track, and able to learn more than one Coven track's magic) and to get access to a Palisman license, which is required in order to own a Palisman.


Points are accumulated character-by-character. This means if you have two (2) characters, they will each earn their own points based on how much art you create of them.

Counting Your Points

5 Points

10 Points

15 Points

Abstract Background
5 Points

Additional Characters
10 Points (per)

Simple Background
15 Points

5 Points (per)

Complex Background
25 Points

+10 Points

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