Headmaster Malleus
Gender: Female
Race: Witch
Occupation: Headmaster
Coven: Unknown
Palismen: N/A

Headmaster Malleus Maleficarum is the headmaster (or, more casually, the principal) of Maleficium Academy. As is the case for any head of an educational institution, she is responsible for the care and maintenance of the academy, as was as for the safety, well-being, guidance and dicipline of the students. She is also the one who oversees the entire faculty.
She has a very stoic outward appearance, but is also very excitable and interested in all forms of magic, which is largely why she has not adopted The Emperor's Coven's view of single tracks for individuals. She'd rather her students have the freedom to experiment and learn what they prefer best. She has also repeatedly refused funding from The Emperor's Coven so that she would not be obligated to follow their regime.