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Fire | Ice | Wind | Water | Earth | Lightning

NPCs That Know This Element:

• Swift is a master of River Magic! He knows skills up to Tier 10. He has gone up seven tiers with Ocean magic, leaving the third branch untouched.

• Vortea has 5 tiers across all three branches of water magic (River, Ocean and Purify) and is happy to help beginners get ahold of their element.

Water Symbol.png
Universal Starter Tier
Water Symbol.png

Water Jet

Tier 1

Shoot a pressurized jet of water from your mouth that can fly up to 15 feet.



• Growing Up
• Water Element


Danger Tier

Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.

Water Symbol.png


Water Symbol.png

All of the below skills have the same art requirement!

Follow the prompt here when drawing your submissions

before submitting them to the Draken Magic Folder!


Draw your Draken practicing the skill they’re trying to learn. Does being in and around the water feel natural to them, and help them to quickly learn skills? Are they are a natural, or do they have trouble? Sink or swim? Is their skill level average?

River Sense

Tier 2

Sense nearby sources of water to pull from.



• Water Jet
• Level 8


Danger Tier

This skill poses no threat of injury.


Tier 3

You may now erupt small water spouts from your claws. The pressure from it hurts and can cause small bruises on impact.



• River Sense
• Level 11


Danger Tier

Tier 3: The impact of pressurized water against skin causes bruising and minor fractures.

Water Propulsion

Tier 4

When you are in a body of water, manipulate its form to jet yourself through it faster than you could normally! When you are near a body of water, but on land, manipulate water to boost yourself forward for 6 seconds.



• Spout
• Level 15


Danger Tier

This skill poses no threat of injury.

Water Blade

Tier 5

Your Draken may now pull from water sources to materialize a blade around parts of their body (one part per cast)! This blade only stays active on the body for 5 minutes.



• Water Propulsion
• Level 20


Danger Tier

Tier 4: Can cause scarring wounds, the blades can cut through skin and scale.

Water Symbol.png


Water Symbol.png

All of the below skills have the same art requirement!

Follow the prompt here when drawing your submissions

before submitting them to the Draken Magic Folder!


Draw your Draken practicing the skill they’re about to learn. Does being in and around the water feel natural to them, and help them to quickly learn skills? Do they fear open water, or accept it? Do they have trouble, or are they good this kind of water magic? Or is their performance more average?

Manipulate Waves

Tier 2

You are able to manipulate water to a degree, and must be near a prominent body of water in order to do so. You are able to shake out waves, and move water around in the air, but not terribly quickly.



• Water Jet
• Level 8


Danger Tier

This skill poses no threat of injury.

Bubble Capture

Tier 3

You can now pull from moisture in the air to create a big bubble with a 5 foot radius. It takes a bit of force to pop this bubble, and it is capable of carrying someone a little ways off of the ground. The radius of the bubble created increases +X feet where X is the number of tiers you have in Ocean.



• Manipulate Waves
• Level 11


Danger Tier

Tier 2: The height with which you could drop someone from is essentially up to you, but assuming you don’t hold them over the side of a cliff, falling from that height will cause scrapes and bruises.

Aqua Sphere

Tier 4

Your Draken may pull from a water source to create a sphere of water with a diameter no bigger than 1 foot/12 inches/30cm. If thrown, it may either keep its shape or burst like a water balloon!



• Bubble Capture
• Level 15


Danger Tier

Tier 3: This is essentially the equivalent of hitting them with a giant dodgeball - but depending upon the force of the throw combined with the pressure of the pop can cause bruising and minor fractures at it’s best.

Water Bullet

Tier 5

You may pull from a water source to create a orbs of water. You may only shoot one projectile at a time. They burst upon impact and contain enough pressure to leave a nasty bruise.



• Aqua Sphere
• Level 20


Danger Tier

Tier 4: The impact of the bullet can rip through skin and lead to scarring if not attended to.

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