Wildlife, Livestock & Pets
In the Old World there was a great deal of knowledge regarding the creatures that could be found roaming Kladeon and beyond. With the loss of information, much of what we know now is still being re-recorded by lore keepers.
Creatures are classified in a few different ways. They can be semi-domesticated, meaning some are still found in the wild as well as in homes; livestock, referring to creatures kept on farms and used for various things; wild creatures, which accounts for all the animals living apart from civilization; and finally, unknown, of which we have little to no knowledge of.
Some creatures are only found outside of Whistler Crest.
Each creature below has their own page with more information.
Have fun exploring!
This symbol means the creature is ONLY found naturally on the Isle of Xaaida.
This symbol means the creature is aggressive and can be fought into the wild! Be careful!