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Fire | Ice | Wind | Water | Earth | Lightning

NPCs That Know This Element:

• Blaise is a master of Bonfire magic, meaning he knows skills up to tier 10! He also has gone half way (up to tier 5) with Firework and the elusive Melt branch.

• Speaking of Melt, Oren is a master of it! Melt magic is an incredibly difficult branch of fire magic to get a hold of, and such it seems that you can not learn heat magic as of right now! When you are able to, Oren will be happy to help you learn it! He has also taken up to tier 7 in Bonfire.

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Universal Starter Tier
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Fire Breath

Tier 1

Breathe a stream of fire, it’s length stretches to 10 feet.



• Growing Up
• Fire Element


Danger Tier

Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns. Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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All of the below skills have the same art requirement!

Follow the prompt here when drawing your submissions

before submitting them to the Draken Magic Folder!


Draw your Draken practicing the skill they are attempting to learn. Are they able to conjure fireballs with ease? Does fire magic come naturally to them? Or do they have trouble, and need to practice? Do they find themselves setting things on fire more often than not? Are they simply just kind of average at it?

Fire Ball

Tier 2

Conjure a ball of fire in your hand, you may shoot this at an enemy or use it to illuminate a dark place.



• Fire Breath
• Level 8


Danger Tier

Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns

Able to set fire to yourself and others.

Gatling Flame

Tier 3

Use your fire ball powers to fire small embers from your mouth at a fast rate!



• Fire Ball
• Level 11


Danger Tier

Tier 3: Able to inflict burn wounds - can inflict first-degree burns

Friction Flame

Tier 4

When you run your claws across solid surfaces, you can strike up a flame as if you were striking a match. This does not hurt the user.



• Gatling Flame
• Level 15


Danger Tier

Tier 4: Able to inflict burn scars - can inflict first and second-degree burns. Able to set fire to yourself and others.

Flame Cannon

Tier 5

You've super-developed your fireball ability and you can now use it to shoot medium sized fire cannon balls! The fire flies out of your mouth at a relatively quick speed.



• Friction Flame
• Level 20


Danger Tier

Tier 4: Can inflict first and second-degree burns​. The impact of the fire cannon ball on flesh will cause bruising. Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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All of the below skills have the same art requirement!

Follow the prompt here when drawing your submissions

before submitting them to the Draken Magic Folder!


Draw your Draken practicing the skill they’re about to learn. Are they able to conjure flashes and smoke with ease? Does this branch of magic come naturally to them? Do they have trouble, because it’s a little different from average fire magic? Do they fall in the middle?


Tier 2

Create a small pop of embers in your hands.



• Fire Breath
• Level 8


Danger Tier

Tier 3: Able to cause minor burns. The impact upon flesh will cause bruising.


Tier 3

Create a small flash of sparkling lights in your hands. You can focus this ability and push it farther away from you, reaching up to 5 feet.



• Crackle
• Level 11


Danger Tier

Tier 2: This may hurt someone’s eyes and blind them for a while, but it will not cause permanent blindness.


Tier 4

Now you may cancel out an explosion by

bursting smoke from your palms. You aren't sure how this disperses the explosion...But you figure the pressure is so much greater that it stops it from expanding outward.



• Dazzle
• Level 15


Danger Tier

Tier 2: The impact of the smoke may cause minor bruising if it impacts skin directly.


Tier 5

Now you can really create fireworks! You can throw a bursting ball of light out of your hands up to 20 feet. This light explodes into a firework that covers a radius of 10 feet.



• Showstopper
• Level 20


Danger Tier

Tier 5: Your explosions can cause potentially fatal damage (if untreated) and extreme disfiguration to anyone caught in the explosion. Able to set fire to yourself and others.

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