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✦ Nyulop Tail Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is under "Lucky Exclusive" or "Unlucky Exclusive" they can be applied to either type of Nyulop.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Nyulop.


Upgrades that add a new color can not share the same color as the eyes, inner ears, mouth, whiskers, and/or paw pads of your character (unless the upgrade description states otherwise!).​


Name: Bunny Tail    
December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 9
Description: What an adorable little tail! Looks like it's made of cotton!
Application: Shrink down your Nyulop's tail into this tiny little more rabbit accurately sized tail! All preexisting markings on your tail will shrink to fit the new shape.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔


Name: Akita Curl
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: Woof woof! That tail's the cat's meow--erm, I mean...the dog's bark?
Application: Grow out a tail that curls over onto itself. It should remain bushy! All preexisting markings on your tail will resize to fit the new shape.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✖
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖


Name: Tailwind 
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: Tired of fur? Want something more manageable than a massive puff of fuzz? Try feathers™.
Application: Entirely replace your once bushy tail with some striking feathers! They must be the base colour of your Nyulop or inherit whatever markings were on the tail of your Nyulop! This upgrade cannot be combined with other tail types and must be about the same size as the example image.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖


Name: Unicorn Tail 
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Draw your character helping 
Hyndrel with something around town. Be creative! 
Description: Does that thing sweep the ground as you walk? 
Application: Grow out a long and slender tail. It should be tufted at the end with long, silky fur. The tip of the tail can be a different colour than the rest of it. This colour can be any currently found on your Nyulop's pelt.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✖
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖


Name: Bushy Tail
Release: December 1st, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Nyulop getting excited over something! What is it?
Description: Who's a happy Nyulop with a fluffy tail? You are! You are!
Application: You may grow out your Nyulop's tail to match the size and shape shown above. All colors and markings should remain the same as they were on the previous tail type. 

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: âœ–
• Leporid Nyulop: ✔


Name: Slender Tail
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Nyulop taking a quick cat nap.
Description: Better hope no one steps on your tail now!
Application: Grow your Nyulop's tail out to look as it does in the example. It should retain all the base and marking colours that existed on the original/previous tail.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: âœ–

feather tip.png

Name: Long Feathered Tail
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 12
Description: Mind dusting my house with that thing?
Application: Grow out a long and slender tail. It should be feathered at the end, resembling the example image. The feathers on the tip of the tail can be a different color than the rest of the tail, and can be any color you want excluding the eyes/whiskers/inner ear/paw pad colors.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✖
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖

teddy tail.png

Name: Teddy Bear Tail
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 13
Description:  You look extra cuddly, now!
Application: Give your Nyulop a smooth, round tail. All preexisting markings on your tail will resize to fit the new shape.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✖
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖


Name: Hairless Tail
Release: July 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 9

• Be a Dwarf Nyulop (not compatible with Standard Nyulop)
Description: I heard hairless is all the rage!
Application: Your Nyulop's tail is now longer, and lacks any hair! It must stay about the same length as shown in the example image. The tail can be the color of the mouth, paw pads, inner ear, or any color on your Nyulop's pelt.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖


Name: Devil Tail
Release: April 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Let the contract be bond!
Your Nyulop's tail grows longer, with a barbed tip at the end! The tail should be no longer than the example image, and all tail markings should warp to fit the new shape. 


Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✖
• Leporid Nyulop: ✖

peacock tail

Name: Peacock Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 20
• Tailwind Upgrade
Description: You don't feel fancy enough? Here's the solution!
Application: Let the feathers grow! They must be the base colour of your Nyulop or inherit whatever markings were on the tail of your Nyulop. This upgrade cannot be combined with other tail types and must be about the same size as the example image. The darker spots are optional and can be any colour currently on you Nyulop's body.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop:

silky tail

Name: Silky Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Now when you walk around the house you can dust the floor. How convenient!
Application: You may grow a tail matching the design above. Any markings that were present remain the same.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop:

squirrel tail

Name: Squirrel Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Something tells me you've been storing too much stuff for winter... 
Application: You may grow Nyulop's tail to be longer and curly as shown in the design above. Any markings that were present should wrap around new shape.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop:

beaver tail

Name: Beaver Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your character hitting things (or attempting to) with their tail!
Description: Now you're a balance master!
Application: Elongate and flatten your Nyulop's tail to match what you see above. You may add the pattern or your may not, the choice is up to you. It may not be longer than what is shown and it can be any color currently on your Nyulop or on their respective color palette.

Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✔

dex upgrades tail.png

Name: Artist's Tail
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete one of Atlas's Wash Classes
Description: Someone put a wet paint sign on that thing!
Application: Your tail grows out to a long, slender shape, with a fat round paintbrush tip at the end. The tip is constantly loaded with some kind of paint (that actually works!). It can be any color, minding the color rules, or can have a wash used on it! It will only be able to paint with the washes color, however, and not actually affect any upgrades or markings.

Can this upgrade be applied to:

• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✔

elegant tail.png
Thud Tail C.png

Name: Goblins Whip Tail
Release: December 17th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 0
• Apply in October
Description: Hey! Watch where you crack that thing, you fiend!
Application: You grow a very long and thin whiplike tail, with flexible orb tipped spines going from the back of the neck to the tailtip. This tail CAN be combined with other types, but only if they do not clash with the spines! If you have Goblins Ears, the glowing bulbs on the tail will match your ear bulbs. But, if you do not, the bulbs may be any color on your Nyulop including eyes. They do not give off strong light, and will only light up for about two inches around it. The maximum amount of spines you may have is 22, while the minimum you may have is 6. There has to be spines on the tail, and on the back, you cannot have them just in one area. You may add fins between the spines if you wish, and they may be any color currently on your character, excluding eye, inner ear (nyulop), whiskers, and mouth color.


Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✔

Name: Long Elegant Tail
Release: August 4th, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 35
• Draw at least 3 pictures of your character with the Peacock Tail upgrade!
Description: Nice tail you got there. Just please don't sing.
Application: The feathers in your Nyulop's tail grow even longer; they actually touch the ground. They must be the base colour of your Nyulop or inherit whatever markings were on the tail of your Nyulop. This upgrade cannot be combined with other tail types and must be about the same size as the example image. The darker markings are optional and can be any colour currently on your Nyulop's body. They also may have Alignment


Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop:

​Name: Thud Tail
Release: December 17th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 25
• Draw your character encountering either a Speckled Thuddley or a Greater Speckled Thuddley
Description: Watch where you swing that thing!
Application: Your character grows a tail that resembles a Speckled Thuddley's Tail. The tail must be a different color from the base color of your character, it can be any color found on your character currently abiding by the standard color rules. Any and all markings that were on the tail previously are gone and no markings can be applied to the tail. The opening on the tail is shallow and is simply for show.


Can this upgrade be applied to:

• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔

• Leporid Nyulop: ✔


Name: Octotail

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level 15 

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by KobiShihai

Application: Your tail turns into an octopus tentacle! The upper part must match the previous tail color, the under part can be any color already present on your pelt and the suckers can be any color of your choice following the standard color rules.


Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop: ✔


Name: - Lantern Tail

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level - 15

•Draw your character leading a group, or draw your character in a dark place

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by Doodlebugsnotebook

Application: - The big orb on the tail glows in the dark and may be any shade of yellow or orange or a color on your pallet. The accessory bits may be any color on your pallet.


Can this upgrade be applied to:
• Dwarf Nyulop: ✔
• Leporid Nyulop:

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