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✦ Baby Nyulop Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is under "Lucky Exclusive" or "Unlucky Exclusive" they can be applied to either type of Nyulop.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Nyulop.


Upgrades that add a new color can not share the same color as the eyes, inner ears, mouth, whiskers, and/or paw pads of your character (unless the upgrade description states otherwise!).




Name: Ear Tufts 
Release: June 1st, 2017 
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: Lil' ol' tufts for the tip of your ears! Maybe they help keep them warm? Maybe they're fashionable? They're definitely adorable! 
Application: Add some tufts to the tips of your Nyulop's ears. Must be applied to both ears and can be any one colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.

uni b.png

Name: Uni Horn 
Release: June 1st, 2017 
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: That upgrade looks like something straight out of the 80s! Hope you're not the last one with it...but it does make you look FABULOUS
Application: Grow a horn on the center of your Nyulop's forehead. It must be the same base colour as their fur (or, if it happens to be within a marking, the colour of the marking instead). 


Name: Tiny Claws 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 3

Description: Those things look sharp. Don't go cuttin' nobody, y'hear? 

Application: You may apply claws to your Nyulop's FRONT paws only. Claws may be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt. (They may be applied to thumbs should you have the Thumbs Upgrade.)


Name: Ceros Horn
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 5

• Draw your Nyulop bumping their nose into something.

Description: That's a tiny little nose horn if I've ever seen one!

Application: Grow out a tiny pointed horn on the top of your Nyulop's nose. It should be the base colour of their pelt (or match the colour of a marking if it exists in the area).


Name: Thumbs
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 3

Description: Thumbs! Yes, now you can grab things! Well, more easily?

Application: You may give your Nyulop thumbs! The pads of the thumbs must match your Nyulop's current paw pad colour.


Name: Tuft 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 3

Description: By popular demand... *drum roll* A small tuft of hair for your head! 

Application: You may give your Nyulop a simply styled tuft of hair on their head. It must match either their main fur colour or match the colour of the marking (should it be inside one).


Name: Freckles
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 2

Description: What a cute splash of spots on your muzzle!

Application: You may apply numerous tiny spots all over your muzzle and cheeks. These freckles can be any color on your Nyulop's pelt. Freckles can later be moved to the shoulders, hips, and knees with the Colour Mixup upgrade.


Name: Sprite Wings
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 5
• Draw your Nyulop jumping up really high!

Description: Tiny itty bitty wittle bwaby wings!

 Application: Grow out a set of tiny wings similar to what is shown above. They should match the base colour of your Nyulop (or any markings in that area of their back, should they exist).


Name: Single Accessory 
Release: July 18th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 5

Description: FINALLY. Now I can show off my individuality! I'm a special snowflake, after all!

Application: You may give your Nyulop a single accessory in any colour or pattern of your choice. The accessories must follow the guidelines below. The accessory is added to their inventory and you may choose whether or not they wear it as well as how they wear it. If the accessory features a design it must be simple: shapes or silhouettes of shapes. Complex designs are not permitted at this time. If you're unsure of what constitutes a simple v. complex design please ask before applying it!


[✔] Dos:
Bandanna, Goggles, Glasses, Cape, Vest, Scarf, Necklaces, Bracelets, etc. 
They must be simple and easy to wear for stout babies!


[Ø] Don'ts: 
Mask, Blindfold (Or anything that covers the eyes like it), Magical Items, Companions, Full Clothing (Shirts, Pants, etc.)

Alignment Exclusive


Name: Fluffy Shoulders 
Release: June 1st, 2017 
Type: Standard


• Level 2

• Be Lucky (not compatible with Unlucky Nyulop)

Description: Woah, from a distance those looked like wings! They sure make you look regal. Dashing, even. Thumbs up!

Application: Grow out some lovely fluff from your Nyulop's shoulders. Must be the base colour of their fur (or, if it happens to be within a marking, the colour of the marking instead). 


Name: Starter Horns 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 2

• Be Lucky (not compatible with Unlucky Nyulop)

Description: Those sure are some fancy looking head growths you've got, friend.

Application: Grow out some tiny little horns. Maybe you'll grow them into something more in the future? The horns must be the same colour as the base fur (or, if it happens to be within a marking, the colour of the marking instead).


Name: Back Spikes 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 2

• Be Unucky (not compatible with Lucky Nyulop)

Description: What do you think you are, a flippin' dinosaur?

Application: You may give your Unlucky Nyulop a row of three (3) triangular shaped spikes. These spikes run down the center of the back and may be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.


Name: Draken Horns 
Release: June 1st, 2017 
Type: Standard


• Level 2

• Be Unucky (not compatible with Lucky Nyulop)

Description: Did...did you...? How did you? Wait, aren't those...? 

Application: Grow out your own Draken horns! Show your solidarity with your fellow villagers. I'm sure now you can butt heads with the best of them! Must be the same colour as the base fur (or, if it happens to be within a marking, the colour of the marking instead).

Starter Markings

starter marking guide.png

Markings for Baby Nyulop are known as "starter" markings. They will grow alongside your Nyulop as their body develops into maturity. As such, each type of marking below may only cover one of the three provided areas above. So if you apply Stripes, they can only be applied on the Top area (the head), the Middle area (the torso) or the Bottom area (the hips, legs, and tail). Please make sure to keep the markings in inside one of these three areas.

"Top" → Head, Ears
"Middle" → Arms, Neck, Stomach, Back
"Bottom" → Legs, Tail

Key notes:

â–º Markings are allowed to be on the front, side or back of your Nyulop.
â–º Starter Markings will be required in order to access future adult marking options. 
â–º You may apply more than one type of marking, but not in the same location! No overlapping!


Name: Starter Stripes 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 4

Description: Eye of the tiger, baby! Or, at least, it's stripes...?

Application: You may apply a few simple stripes to your Nyulop in one of three designated areas (see above). You may have at least three (3) stripes but no more than ten (10). Stripes must be a colour currently on your Nyulop (fur, paws, ears, whiskers, eyes, etc.). All stripes must be the same colour. Stripes must wrap around the body in some way. Tail/limbs/back/etc.


Name: Starter Spots 
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 4

Description: Ooh...I hope that's not serious...what? Oh! They're markings. Okay, I was worried for a second.

Application: You may apply a few simple spots and rings to your Nyulop in one of the three designated areas (see above). There cannot be only one or the other, at least one ring and at least one spot must be present. You may have at least three (3) spots but no more than ten (10). Spots must be a colour currently on your Nyulop (fur, paws, ears, whiskers, eyes, etc.). All spots must be the same colour. 


Name: Marking Colour Change 
Release: June 1st, 2017 
Type: Standard


• Level 3

• Draw a side by side before and after image showing the change!

Description: Are you a chameleon? 'Cause you're changing colour! Looking good, kid. 

Application: You may change any of your markings to another colour of your choice (although that colour may not be one of the opposite type, so Unlucky Nyulop can't nab a Lucky Nyulop's base palette colour from the species guide). 

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