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✦ Draken Tail Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is listed with an Element Symbol, they can be applied to any type of Draken.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Draken.


 A Draken may never use its Third Eye Gem color for any upgrade.


Name: No Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 5

Description: How will you balance?! ... Your arms, of course!
Application: Your Draken now has no tail. Any tail markings will now be placed on the behind where the tail used to be.


Name: Teeny Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 6

Description: Huh? Did your tail grow out at all?
Application: Your Draken has a baby sized tail!


Name: Serpent Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 17

Description: Woah, your tail got SUPER long! It almost looks like it can be it's own creature...
Application: Your Draken's tail is super sized! This tail type can be combined with any tail your draken can apply!
Your Draken's tail can be the length of their body at max.


Name: Swirly Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

Description: Your tail is pretty curly... I wonder if it helps you latch onto tree branches?
Application: Your Draken's tail has a big curl at the end! It's a bit prehensile, but the curl can never unwind all the way. This tail cannot be combined with any tail tip upgrades.


Name: Flat Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 12

Description: Slap, slap, slap.... You buildin' a dam?
Application: Your Draken's tail is flat and thick enough to be considered a blunt force weapon... Brutal. This tail cannot be combined with any tail tip upgrades.


Name: Drill Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 9

Description: With your drill... pierce the heavens!!!
Application: Your Draken has a pointy spike on the tip of their tail. It resembles a drill, but it cannot spin like one. It can be any color currently on your Draken.


Name: Tripoint Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 12

Description: Triple the points... triple the danger?
Application: Your Draken has a tail tip with three points on it. It's almost a star, but not quite. It can be any color currently on your draken.


Name: Spiked Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 12

Description: You're looking fierce! Maybe a little too fierce... Actually, that's scary...
Application: Your Draken acquires three spikes on the sides of their tail. These spikes can be any color already on your Draken. This tail can be combined with other tail types.


Name: Star Tip
Release: December 1st, 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 20

• Draw your Draken looking up at the night sky with an NPC of your choice! This image must be a complete picture with a complex background and fully shaded characters.

Description: You're a shooting star, flying through the sky! ... Don't crash!
Application: Your Draken now has a star on the end of their tail. This must be a star with five points as shown above, and it can be any color on your Draken's element palette.


Name: Spiral Tail
Release: April 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 12
• Draw at least 2 pictures of your character with the Swirly Tail upgrade!
Description: Looks like a cinnamon bun!
Application: Your Draken's tail has curled up tight against their back! Any markings the Draken has on their tail can warp to fit the new shape. This tail cannot be combined with any tail tips. This tail cannot uncurl.

double pointed tail.png

Name: Barb Tip
Release: May 28th, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 10
Description: One less point than the Tripoint Tip doesn't make it any less cool!
Application: Your Draken has a tail tip that is barb shaped. It can be any color currently on your draken.


Name: Scorp Tail
Release: November 1st, 2019
Type: Standard


• Level 19

• Apply during the month of October

Description: Careful with that...
Application: Your Draken's tail grows out into the shape above. Any markings on the tail can warp or stretch to fit the new shape. The tail should have at least 4 but no more than 6 "segments" along with a pointed tip. 

chunky tail

Name: Chunky Tail
Release: January 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 12
Description: Sluggy, but not slimey.
Application: Give your Draken a thick, fat tail that looks like the example image. All existing markings may stretch and morph to fit the new shape. This tail type can be combined with any tail tip your draken can apply.

shark tail

Name: Shark Tail
Release: January 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 20
Description: Duuuun dunn... Duuuun dunn....
Application: Your Draken grows a spike about halfway down their tail, and a sharp looking fin on the tip. This does not extend the tail, and the fin at the end must match the example image as closely as possible. Any markings the Draken has on their tail can warp to fit the new shape. This tail cannot be combined with any tail tip upgrades.

dex upgrades tail.png

Name: Artist's Tail
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete one of Atlas's Wash Classes
Description: Someone put a wet paint sign on that thing!
Application: Your tail grows out to a long, slender shape, with a fat round paintbrush tip at the end. The tip is constantly loaded with some kind of paint (that actually works!). It can be any color, minding the color rules, or can have a wash used on it! It will only be able to paint with the washes color, however, and not actually affect any upgrades or markings.


Name: Goblins Whip Tail
Release: December 17th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 0
• Apply in October
Description: Hey! Watch where you crack that thing, you fiend!
Application: You grow a very long and thin whiplike tail, with flexible orb tipped spines going from the back of the neck to the tailtip. This tail CAN be combined with other types, but only if they do not clash with the spines! If you have Goblins Ears, the glowing bulbs on the tail will match your ear bulbs. But, if you do not, the bulbs may be any color on your Nyulop/Draken including eyes. They do not give off strong light, and will only light up for about two inches around it. The maximum amount of spines you may have is 22, while the minimum you may have is 6. There has to be spines on the tail, and on the back, you cannot have them just in one area. You may add fins between the spines if you wish, and they may be any color currently on your character, excluding eye, inner ear (nyulop), whisker/gem, and mouth color.


Name: Stinger Tail 
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Woah! Don't hurt anyone with that thing!
Application: A four layered tail where each layer of the tail may be any color already existing on your Draken. The end of the tail tip may be an off-black.

This tail is not compatible with Serpent Tail.


Name: Bounce Tail
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard

- Level 35
- Draw your character balancing on something.

Description: Pretty good balancing act!
Application: Your character's tail widens around the base and becomes slightly more stiffer. Any markings on the tail wrap around its new shape. Additionally your character can now balance on their tail without their feet on the ground. This tail is compatible with tail tips and Serpent Tail.

Thud Tail C.png

Name: Thud Tail
Release: December 17th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 25
• Draw your character encountering either a Speckled Thuddley or a Greater Speckled Thuddley
Description: Watch where you swing that thing!
Application: Your character grows a tail that resembles a Speckled Thuddley's Tail. The tail must be a different color from the base color of your character, it can be any color found on your character currently abiding by the standard color rules. Any and all markings that were on the tail previously are gone and no markings can be applied to the tail. The opening on the tail is shallow and is simply for show.


Name: Octotail

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level 15 

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by KobiShihai

Application: Your tail turns into an octopus tentacle! The upper part must match the previous tail color, the under part can be any color already present on your pelt and the suckers can be any color of your choice following the standard color rules. This tail is compatible with Serpent Tail.


Name: - Lantern Tail

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level - 15

•Draw your character leading a group, or draw your character in a dark place

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by Doodlebugsnotebook

Application: - The big orb on the tail glows in the dark and may be any shade of yellow or orange or a color on your pallet. The accessory bits may be any color on your pallet.

Element Exclusive: 


Name: Flame Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• The character you are applying this upgrade to must know Tier 2 Fire magic from any branch!

Description: You're on fire! Literally, you're on fire! Try not to dip that in the water!
Application: Your Draken now has a small flame burning on the end of their tail. This flame cannot be put out by normal water, though it will shrink if doused. This flame must be red/orange.


Name: Fin Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Water Draken

Description: A tail like this should make swimming a breeze!
Application: Your Draken has a fin on the tip of their tail! Any markings the Draken has on their tail can warp to fit the new tail tip.

Name: Feather Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Wind Draken

Description: Feathers? Are you, perhaps, a bird?
Application: Your Draken may now grow feathers on the tip of their tail. These feathers can be any color currently on your Draken.


Name: Leaf Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be an Earth Draken

Description: Make sure to get lots of sunlight!
Application: Your Draken spouts a leaf from their tail! It makes you look delicate and cute. This leaf can be any color currently on your Draken.

Name: Fluff Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Wind or Ice Draken

Description: Poof!
Application: Your Draken has a small amount of fluff on the end of the tail! This fluff can be any color currently on your Draken.


Name: Club Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be an Earth Draken

Description: Don't turn around too fast! That thing hurts!
Application: Your Draken acquires a big ol' spiky rock on their tail. This thing is a club, and is basically a blunt force weapon. This can be any color currently on your Draken.

Name: Lightning Rod Tip
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Lightning Draken

Description: That tail tip is shocking large!
Application: Your Draken now has a lightning bolt shaped tip on their tail. This tail is capable of drawing in electricity and converting it to energy. This tail tip can be any color currently on your Draken.


Name: Fluff Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Wind or Ice Draken

Description: Ohh, your tail is soo soft!
Application: Your Draken's tail may now have an ample amount of fluff. This tail keeps the same shape as your Draken's standard tail, but it's very fluffy! This tail cannot be combined with any tail tip upgrades.


Name: Mermaid Tail
Release: February 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Draken swimming underwater!
• Be a Water Draken
Description: Looks like you came from... Under da sea.
Application: Your Draken grows two small, round fins about halfway down their tail, and two larger, rounded fins on the tip. Please try to follow the upgrade example when drawing this upgrade! This does not extend the tail. Any markings the Draken has on their tail can warp to fit the new shape. The darker colored parts of the upgrade example can be any color currently on your Draken. This tail cannot be combined with any tail tip upgrades.

oasis tail.png

Name: Oasis Tail

Release: August 4th, 2022

Type: Standard


Level 35

Be a Water Draken

The character you are applying this upgrade to must know Tier 5 Water magic from any branch!

Description: Would you ever think you'd find an oasis?

Application: You develop a large ball of water on your back with a tail as shown in the image above. The length should also remain the same as the image. The tail can be combined with Serpent Tail but it can not be combined with any other tail-based upgrades. Any markings on the tail are completely gone and the water must be a shade of blue.


Name: Plasma Globe Tail

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level 15

• Know Tier 3 Lightning Magic

• Be a Lightning Draken

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by Anonymoussbat

Application: Your tail has a great conductive sphere now! The ball can be any shade of yellow, gray to an off-white, the shape must be spherical and cannot be bigger than what is showed. The spiked tip has to be lightning shaped and can be any color already existing on your Draken or a new one. It glows as you desire.


Name: Frozen Heights Tail Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level 15

• Draw your Draken ice climbing.

• Be an Ice Draken

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by SpottyLuck "Climbing is where I escape and live in this beautiful place."

Application: This is a tail all about hanging on, and pushing your limits. Your Draken's tail will stretch out and grow a steel-sharp ice pick at the tip, stronger then diamonds. Spikes and scales grow scattered along the tails length, where moisture will often freeze upon contact. The tail-tip, spikes and scales are usually a whitish to gray steely colour, but when it catches the light it sparkles and shines brightly and beautifully. It's unclear why, but many finely believe that when you are enjoying what you love and being true to yourself, the tail-tip will glow with the colours of the aurora.

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