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✦ Draken Body Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is listed with an Element Symbol, they can be applied to any type of Draken.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Draken.


 A Draken may never use its Third Eye Gem color for any upgrade.


Name: Unlimited Clothes
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 6

Description: Now we're stylin'!
Application: You may give your Draken unlimited clothing of your choice. Clothing should be some sort of fabric or accessory. No armor or weapons can be added with this upgrade.


Name: Pieshu Plates
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 13

Description: Your back is looking pretty well protected!
Application: Give your Draken armor plates along their back - sort of like an armadillo! There should be enough plates to allow them to still comfortably bend over. The armor plates must be a color already on your Draken.


Name: Body Spikes
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 15

Description: Super sharp!!!!
Application: You may give your Draken spikes all around their body. You may not use this to give them back spikes, or head spikes. Apply spikes to their limbs and the front of their torso. These spikes can be any color on your Draken's element palette.

prominent scales.png

Name: Prominent Scales
Release: September 29th, 2019
Type: Standard


• Level 15

Description: Makes you look real tough!
Application: You may give your Draken small scales all over their body. Scales cannot go on the eyes, mouth, or third eye gem, and must be about the same size as in the example image. They must have a clear outline, and cannot mimic Strange Markings. The scales can be any color currently on your Draken.

sturdy shell

Name: Sturdy Shell
Release: January 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Now you have increased defense! (Oh, wait, no you don't...)
Application: Give your Draken a sturdy shell like in the image. This shell can be any color on your Draken's element palette.

full back mane

Name: Full Back Mane
Release: February 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: They say your dragonic ancestors came from the east...
Application: Give your Draken a line of fur starting at the back of their neck, to the end of their tail! The mane can be combined with the fluff tip if they are a Wind/Ice Draken, or with the Full Flowing Hair if they have it applied. The mane can be the color of the full flowing hair, or any color on your Draken's elemental palette. The mane must be one solid color.

Flared Ruffles

Name: Flared Ruffles
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard

• Level 15

Description: Look at those ridges!

Application: Your Draken grows out a two-layered "poncho" from their neck. The ends of the layers are jagged and can either match up or alternate between the two layers. The layers can be any color currently on your Draken and the layers must be different colors.



Name: Body Ribbons
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 13
Description: What elegant ribbons!
Application: Your character grows up to four ribbons total on the back of their wrists and their hips. These ribbons should be about the same length as shown in the image and can be opaque or partially transparent. The ribbons can be any color found on your Draken's elemental palette following standard color rules.



Name: Goddess Brushes
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete all of Atlas's Wash Class assignments on time
Description: With those brushes you could paint the world...
Application: You may apply brushes in the style shown to your character's wrists and/or shoulders. They should be symmetrical. The tips of the brushes can be any colour and or a dark grey/off-white. The main body of the brush should match the base colour of your character including any marking(s)

UP Puff Collar DR.png

Name: Puff Collar
Release: August 1st, 2021
Type: Standard
Level 20
Description: I've heard about puffing out your chest, never heard of puffing out your neck.
Application: A sac similar to the example forms around your character's neck. This can be any color on your character except for the base color. Their is some give when the sac is pressed on but it will never deflate. The sac can briefly inflate on command, think of it like holding your breath. Marking based upgrades can be applied to this upgrade and any other markings that was on the neck beforehand have been covered up.

WC - Upgrades March Week 1 2022 (glitter shell d).png

Name: Glitter Shell
Release: July 4th, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 22
• Draw at least 2 pictures of your character with the Breezy Wings upgrade.
Description: What a glamorous shell!
Application: Your character's shell becomes glittery like shown above. You may apply a two color gradient to the shell in any two colors found on your Draken's elemental palette following the standard color rules, and include small circular glittering speckles all across the halves. These speckles may be any color you'd like following the standard color rules, though the glitter speckle color may not be color mixed elsewhere on your Draken.

The wings granted by the Breezy Wings upgrade still remain. Marking upgrades may be applied to this shell.

Element Exclusive: 


Name: Body Fluff
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be a Wind or Ice Draken

Description: A nice, soft layer of fluff!
Application: Give your Draken soft fur all over their body! This fur can cover their torso and limbs, but not their tail or head.


Name: Crystallization
Release: September 16th, 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 18

• The character you are applying this upgrade to must know Tier 4 Ice magic from any branch!

Description: Growing... crystals?
Application: You may have pale blue crystals grow on the top of your Draken's body. These crystals only start from the surface of the skin, and do not grow within the body. 


The crystals may not spread to the Draken's head, and may not cover anything that would impair one of their five senses or be considered a permanent dis-figuration (third eye gem, ears, eyes, nose, mouth).  Crystallization may only cover up to 20% of the Draken's body. They may not grow into a specific shape, as their growth is random. It may not debilitate mobility in any significant way (no crystals preventing joints from moving). 

Finally, the crystals are not any specific gemstone, they are just pale blue crystals.


Name: Super Flared Scales
Release: September 16th, 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 14

• Be a Fire Draken

Description: You look mighty big!
Application: Your Draken's scales can flare out into what sort of look like head spikes! Any marking sitting where these scales grow will warp to fit the scales.

feather curtain.png
mountain spikes.png

Name: Feather Curtain
Release: February 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 13
• Be a Wind Draken

Description: Doubles as a butt warmer!
Application: Feathers sprout from your Draken's backside and lay over their tail like a curtain. They must be around the same size as in the example image. The primary feathers closest to your Draken's body must be the same color as the place they sprouted from, and the secondary feathers can be any color currently on your Draken.

Name: Mountain Spikes
Release: May 28th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 18
• Be an Earth or Fire Draken
Description: Those won't erode overtime like real mountains, right...?
Application: Your Draken grows mountain-like spikes from their neck, back, arms, and/or legs! The spikes on their back can start right behind their horns, and go all the way to the base of their tail. The tail cannot have any spikes on them. These spikes will be the same color as wherever they grew from. 

seed necklace.png

Name: Seed Necklace
Release: August 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 14
• Be an Earth Draken
Description: This necklace is priceless, and natural!
Application: Your Draken grows small, seed-like growths that are currently more akin to scales around their neck! These growths can be circle or oval shaped. There can be as many as you want, but there should be more than 5 seeds, and should go the whole way around the neck. They can be any color on your Draken's elemental palette, and must all be the same color. They look so much like seeds, you wonder if one day, they may grow into something beautiful...? 

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