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✦ Draken Head Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is listed with an Element Symbol, they can be applied to any type of Draken.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Draken.


 A Draken may never use its Third Eye Gem color for any upgrade.


Name: Full Flowing Hair
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 6

Description: Oohh, suave...
Application: You may give your Draken hair! This hair can only be on their head and should never grow far enough to cover the third eye gem completely (but it may cover the third eye gem slightly, as shown in the picture). Your Draken's hair can be any color ever, not restricted to to their element palette. Hair color is not transferable to the rest of the body by an upgrade such as the Color Mixup. 
Draken hair may not be pure black (hex code #000000) or pure white (hex code #FFFFFF)!


Name: Colored Sclera
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 10

Description: Woah, those eyes make you look mysterious...
Application: Your Draken's Sclera can now be one solid color. This can be any color of the rainbow except for the colors listed here.

Please make sure that your Draken's color sclera aren't within a few pixels of shade for each of these colors. If they look too close, it will not be considered valid. 
Sclera color may not be mixed with the Color Mixup.


Name: Smooth Mouth
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 7

Description: It makes you look softer!
Application: Give your Draken a smooth mouth. It seems they've shed their cartilage notches!


Name: Snapper Mouth
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 7

Description: CHOMP!
Application: Your Draken's mouth now resembles that of a snapping turtle, give them those three notches! You can either draw this upgrade like the example image, or like the standard baby Draken mouth.


Name: Full Head Crest
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 8

Description: This reminds me of someone...
Application: You may give your Draken a full head crest made of cartilage. It is not as flexible or flowing as hair is. The head crest may be any color on your Draken's element palette. This color is transferable to the rest of the body by the Color Mixup.


Name: Head Spikes
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 10

Description: Ow! Those are sharp!
Application: You may now have spikes running down your Draken's head. These spikes can only be running down the back of the head from the forehead. These spikes may not be connected, it must be one single spike after the other. 
The spikes may be any color on your Draken's element palette. This color is transferable to the rest of the body by the Color Mixup.


Name: Brow Changer
Release: July 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 10

Description: Suddenly, you feel a little different! Could it be... your brows?!
Application: Give your Draken any sort of eyebrow type that deviates from the normal type. They can either keep their original color, or match the color of their Full Flowing Hair, if they posses that upgrade. You can also remove the eyebrows altogether if you want.


Name: Facial Hair
Release: July 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 20

• Draw your Draken helping Oren out with something! Maybe they are building something, or forging something? What could it be? Do you think Oren can see how much your character has grown?

Description: Classy.... or... old?
Application: Give your Draken facial hair! This can include a suave mustache and a beard in any sort of fancy fashion! This upgrade can be applied to all sexes, so please don't be shy! Facial hair can be the color of your Draken's hair, or any color on your Draken's element palette.


Name: Slit Pupils
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard


• Level 10

Description: With catlike tread...
Application: It seems someone's feline a bit different. You may change your Draken's standard rounded pupils into a thinner, sharper variety.


Name: Zig Zag Maw
Release: February 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 13
Description: More teeth? More teeth!
Application: Give your Draken a much sharper looking mouth! Change your Draken's standard 4 fangs into as many as you want, but make sure the original 4 are always longer than the added points. This can apply to the top and/or bottom jaw. This cannot be added to the Smooth mouth. 


Name: Flutter Antenna
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 10
• Draw your character interacting with an insect!
Description: How cute! Look at your little curly antenna! 
Application: You may grow a set of matching antenna on your character's forehead. These antenna must be the same colour. They may be any colour of your choice so long as they abide by the colour application rule.


Name: Mouth Color Changer
Release: August 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 10
Description: Those are some colorful words you're using... 
Application: You may now change your Draken's mouth color to any color you want, excluding pure white or pure black. The mouth must be a darker shade of the tongue, and both must be the same hue. (ex. You cant have a red tongue and a blue mouth!)

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Name: Full Elemental Rush
Release: August 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
Level 50
Description: Did your eyes get like that from staring at the sun too long!?
Application: Your Draken trades their eye color for an iris the colors of the rainbow! The eyes must include red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. The eyes can be saturated, pastel, darkened, ect, but should be clearly recognizable as rainbow. If you choose to make the eyes pastel for example, they cant be both pastel AND saturated.


Name: Forked Tongue
Release: July 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 7
• Draw your character sticking their tongue out!
Description: Did you steal that from an Unlucky Nyulop?
Application: Your Draken now has a notch in their tongue. The tongue will remain whatever color it was before applying.


Name: Eyeguards
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Horns that seem to wrap around your eyes and protect you!
Application: Give your Draken long horns that connect to your eyes. It can be two colors that already exist on your Draken. This upgrade is not compatible with eyebrows but is compatible with horns.


Name: Ssael Eyes

Release: 2/01/24

Type: Standard


• Level 17

• Draw your character witnessing a Ssael migration

Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by FlareFireFox

Application: Your character's pupils gain the ability to flash bright glows like seen on a Ssael! The base glow is a lighter color of your character's iris. The glow may remain one(1) color, or flash multiple different colors EXCEPT pure white (#FFFFFF) and pure black (#000000).

• Incompatible with Firefly Glow

• Compatible with pupil modifying upgrades


Name: Lizard Plumes
Release: September 16th, 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 13

• Be a Wind Draken
Description: Why bother with spines or spikes when your skull can sprout a fountain of feathers?
Application: Your Draken may sprout feathers of any color from their head and neck all the way down to their shoulders. The feathers can be long or short and may be any color on your Draken's element palette.

Element Exclusive:

Name: Head Fluff
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard


• Level 8

• Be a Wind or Ice Draken

Description: Poof floof~
Application: You may give your Draken fluff on their head! This fluff can take the form of a hair tuft if you'd like. This fluff is only on the head, not on the body!

Name: Bulb Antenna
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard


• Level 10

• Be an Earth Draken

Description: Looks like you've grown some cute antenna! Don't let Csirkatrice pick at them!
Application: Give your Draken the antenna with the little bulbs at the end like in the picture! The bulbs can be any color on your Draken's element palette OR they may be your Draken's eye color.


Name: Lantern Light
Release: February 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
Level 13
• Be a Water or Lightning Draken
Description: Now you can see in the dark!
Application: Give your Draken a bulbed antenna right above their third eye gem. The main part of the antenna must be the same color as where it grew from, and the bulb at the end can be any color on their elemental palette, or match their eye color. This bulb can glow.

Name: Flame Collar
Release: July 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
Level 11

• Be a Fire Draken
Description: Absolutely Sizzlin'! 
Application: Give your draken a majestic ruff of flames! The flames can go all around the neck, or can start from the sides in a cape like manner. The fire must be orange or red.

Name: Face Fins
Release: February 1st, 2020
Type: Standards
• Level 8
• Be a Water Draken
Description: Fish face.
Application: Give your Draken small fins on the sides of their face. These fins can be translucesnt or solid, and can be any color on their elemental palette.

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Name: Aloe Hair-a
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Be an Earth Draken
Description: Do you still have to water it?
Application: Your Draken grows full, beautiful flora from their head. The plants can be any type of plant or plant part, like leaves or vines. These plants are slightly tougher and more flexible than normal plants of their variety, enough to withstand styling and daily activities. The plants can come in any naturally occurring color or any color off the elemental palette, but these colors (like normal hair colors) are not allowed to be used or mixed anywhere else on the Draken. Creative liberties are allowed to be taken with the plant parts and patterns and gradients may be added to them, so long as they do not resemble unnatural shapes like stars, hearts, etc.

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