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✦ Baby Astralit Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is under the Order section they can be applied to any type of Astralit.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Astralit.


Upgrades that add a new color can not share the same color as the eyes, inner ears, mouth, eye bumps and/or palm spots of your character (unless the upgrade description states otherwise!).​


Name: Fangs
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 1
Description: Getting your baby fangs!
Application: Give your Astralit a pair of fangs. They can be hidden in your characters mouth or poke out a small amount.


Name: Freckles
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: It's like you have little round stars across your face.
Application: You may apply numerous tiny spots all over your nose and cheeks. These freckles can be any color currently on your Astralit's pelt. Freckles can later be moved to the shoulders, hips, and knees with the Colour Mixup upgrade.


Name: Horns
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: Did you hit your head a couple times? Oh.. Horns.
Application: Give your Astralit a pair of small horns. They should be the same color as the spot they grow from.


Name: Nose Bump
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: No longer an oval!
Application: Your Astralit's face goes from rounded to having a small bump snout. Their nose should not be very long and should be as long as depicted above.


Name: Inner Ear Fluff
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 3
Description: Your hearing is a little muffled...
Application: Give your Astralit some fluff in their ears. This fluff must be one color and should be a color currently found on your Astralit's pelt.


Name: Clawed Fingers
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 3
Description: Reminds me of a sloth...
Application: Your Astralit now has claws in place of fingers! Your character's fingers may be a color currently found on their pelt.


Name: Body Fluff
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 3
Description: Fluff ball!
Application: Your Astralit gets longer fur! They may have longer fur tufts below the neck and above the hock. The fur should be no longer than shown above.


Name: Sprout Tail
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 4
Description: Little nubbin tail.
Application: Your Astralit gets their first tail! It should be a simple, short, nub tail, and can be with or without fluff on the bottom. It should be no longer than shown in the image above.


Name: Antennae
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 5
Description: Alien, or insect?
Application: You may add a pair of simple antennae like depicted above to your Astralit. The antennae may be any color currently found on your Astralit's pelt.


Name: Hood Ears
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 5
Description: What a cute hood!
Application: Your Astralit now has simple ears on their hood! These ears should be a simple rabbit shape like shown in the image, with no inner ear. These ears cannot move like an Astralit's real ears. The ears must be the same color as the portion of the hood they sprout from.


Name: Single Accessory
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 5
Description: Finally you can show off your individuality like the special star you are!

You may give your Astralit a single accessory in any colour or pattern of your choice. The accessories must follow the guidelines below. The accessory is added to their inventory and you may choose whether or not they wear it as well as how they wear it. If the accessory features a design it must be simple: shapes or silhouettes of shapes. Complex designs are not permitted at this time. If you're unsure of what constitutes a simple v. complex design please ask before applying it!


[✔] Dos:
Bandanna, Goggles, Glasses, Cape, Vest, Scarf, Necklaces, Bracelets, Gloves etc. 
They must be simple and easy to wear for stout babies!


[Ø] Don'ts: 
Mask, Blindfold (Or anything that covers the eyes like it), Magical Items, Companions, Full Clothing (Shirts, Pants, etc.)

Order Exclusive


Name: N/A
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: N/A
Application: N/A


Name: N/A
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: N/A
Application: N/A


Name: N/A
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard 


• Level 2
Description: N/A
Application: N/A

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