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✦ Astralit Other Upgrades ✦


Some Important Things To Remember:

â–º Unless the upgrade is under the Order section they can be applied to any type of Astralit.

â–º The required level must be met before an upgrade can be applied to your Astralit.


Upgrades that add a new color can not share the same color as the eyes, inner ears, mouth, eye bumps and/or palm spots of your character (unless the upgrade description states otherwise!).​


Name: Blessed Mark

Release: May 25th, 2019
Type: Blessing 


• Complete a Pilgrimage to a Spirit.

Description: One of the greatest honours one may achieve is being Blessed by a Spirit. 

Application: You may apply this mark anywhere on your character excluding their mouths and eyes. The mark may be any colour you'd like, so long as it abides by the colour rule.

Name: Cursed Mark

Release: May 25th, 2019

Type: Curse


• Complete a Pilgrimage to a Spirit.

Description: What have you done...?

Application: You may apply this mark anywhere on your character excluding their mouths and eyes. The mark may be any colour you'd like, so long as it abides by the colour rule.

Name: Spiritual Scar
Release: November 1st, 2022
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Be injured while Spirit Walking
Description: What a terrible reminder of a horrid event...
Application: The injuries should appear relevant to what caused them. You may have creative freedom with the general shape/length of these scars. They can go anywhere on the body but can not damage the Mana organ (Whiskers, Third Eye Gem, Palm Stars) of your character. They will become the inverse colour to whatever area they run across and will glow the same colour as your character's Mana. Should your character project more than one colour it can be either colour or a gradient of both. 

Atmos Tail.gif
Cirrus Arms A.png
Mammatus Nose A.png

Name: Cumulus Tail
Release: October 4th, 2023
Type: Blessing
• Complete a Pilgrimage to
Description: E X T E N D T A I L
Application: Your character’s tail becomes enveloped by thick, plush fur. The color of the fur can be any color located on your character and any markings they have may carry over as well or you can keep it blank. By default your character’s tail is a round orb-like shape, on command, the tail can extend and elongate as a stinger pushes through the fur. This stinger can be any color on your character or their element/alignment/order palette.

Name: Cirrus Arms
Release: October 4th, 2023
Type: Blessing
• Complete a Pilgrimage to
Description: Time to high five the sky!
Application: Your character grows dense fur on their forearms and hands that reach to their elbows. Their fingers are not covered by the fur and remain as before applying the upgrade. The fur swirls near the elbow and tufts on the opposite of the swirl. The fur can be the lightest color found on your character. This upgrade can not be combined with arm upgrades that affect the forearm and fur-altering upgrades such as angora fur or wooly pelt do not affect the fur on this upgrade. Marking upgrades cannot be applied to these paws but Gradient may be applied.

Name: Mammatus Nose
Release: October 4th, 2023
Type: Blessing
• Complete a Pilgrimage to
Description: Imma boop it.
Application: Your character gains a large, round nose where the original nose was. This nose can be any color, following standard color rules, or a color currently found on your character following standard color rules.

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