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May 2022 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Whistler CrestWhistler Crest

We need to start this newsletter with something important. As most of you have probably noticed already, the Mods' activity in Whistler Crest has slowed down significantly through the last months. Due to personal issues, many Mods need to primarily focus on their life, which severely limits the attention they can devote to the Group. As a result, the approvals and other features took longer to process than they should. Sadly, it doesn't look like things are going to fix themselves in a matter of one day. We do not wish to completely close the group, however some steps need to be taken to ease the Mods and allow them to focus on things going on in their life.

Therefore, until the Mods can resolve their personal issues, the Group will be operating in slow mode.

To put it simply, some of the Group's features will be closed or limited. The features that will be completely closed are:

Breeding, Cash Shop, character creation via MYO Key, transferring characters.

Features that remain open:

Character creation from free slots, growing up, learning Magic, Re-Quest Board, banking, Atlas Shop, pilgrimages.

Additionally, please keep in mind that various approvals and other game mechanics may be slow, and we ask for members to show patience.

Thank you for understanding!

To address the suggestion and interest concerning hiring more Mods to solve the problem: it was discussed, and we came to a conclusion that even if it seems like a good idea, it will not help. Newly hired Mods would have to be trained and monitored through the first months of their work, which would actually put even more work on current Mods. We appreciate the concern and willingness to help, but getting more people on the Mod team does not seem to be an idea we can go with at the moment.

On a more positive note!

We would like to warmly welcome all the new people who joined the Group recently! We hope you will stay with us and that you will enjoy the community of Whistler Crest!

Since Whistler Crest was founded almost five years ago, there's much to learn about this settlement's history. Be sure to take a look at the timeline to have a better understanding of where the story is currently.

You are also encouraged to get familiar with the NPCs and study the guides we offer on the site.

You caught us in one of the slower periods, unfortunately, however, we still would like to do our best in providing an enjoyable ARPG experience for everyone!

Thank you for joining, and to all the old members we would like to give our thanks for being patient and sticking with us!

You guys are the best!

The Mod Team has also discussed the purpose and use of various Time Tickets. And I am sure you'll be happy to hear that from this month forward Time Tickets can be used to extend any deadline! Now you can use them, for example, on deadlines for applying Upgrades or extending Re-Quest Board time. To also clarify how to use Time Tickets: you need to withdraw your Ticket from the Bank (the time of withdrawal will be the application time), state for what purpose it is being withdrawn and link it to the submission's description. If you are purchasing a Ticket and plan to use it right away, please provide a screen as a proof of purchase as you deposit it in the Bank and state you use it at that moment to extend the deadline. Please make sure that it is evident that you are using a Time Ticket. Make use of bold text in the submission's description and make the link stand out. There is no need to message any Mod to use the Tickets anymore.

With May rolling in, certain things have reached their deadline. Seasonal pets obtained in various past events can no longer be approved and any that haven't been posted in the approval channel on Discord are voided, unfortunately. If you submitted your pet for approval before the deadline, all it still good. This does not apply to pets won in auctions, (for either real currency or Capella) but if you do have a pet you won at any point, please consider drawing a reference for it and submitting it for approval.

The other things that can no longer be claimed are the eggs connected to the Egg Hunt.

This month we have two new upgrades for you, one for each species. Their details can be found in each species' respective category.

Upgrades available:



Mae: Looks like things are back to normal. But all that made me realize that we ain't prepared all that much. So I asked Leota to give us a small lesson about spirits, so that next time we can spot the danger quicker and deal with it better. Each of you is expected to attend. I want no excuses.


This will count for your 1 Ringel paycheck in #timepunch! Submit your images in that channel to verify your participation. Images must be polished with a complex background.

  • Draw your character attending the Spiritualists' lecture about spirits.

  • Draw your character learning about local spirits on their own. They can go visit the library or try observing them (if they are capable of seeing the spirits) in the local woods.

The characters must be wearing their guard uniform.

Things in Dane's Office are getting a little better, but it certainly can't be said it's quieted down.

If you’re thinking about joining the contest now is the best time! May will be a slower month with no big events going on in the group, so you can use this time to get creative and have a chance to win some nice prizes. The contest will technically still be going in June, but there may be lots of exciting things coming! Therefore, it might be better to not procrastinate if you have some ideas boiling in your head.

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