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Memco Kids

Blurb about memco here, idk what to put rn

Anatomy of Memco Kids

A unique ring that seems to appear around the edges of their iris! This ring is a unique colour separate from their main eye colour. It should only be a different colour from their main eye colour. The ring encircles the entire iris and should appear like the example above. You may choose any colour you would like for your newborn's eyes, but they must abide by pre-existing rules, meaning no pure white or pure black and pupils are not to be coloured.


Smooth Skin

Cheek Pouches

It appears that being originally Sporepoles has made them have entirely smoothed skin. There is absolutely no fur found on either of these Memco kids. Some Memco kids seem to have visible scales. Got to keep that skin hydrated!

Additionally, Memco kids are sporting large cheek pouches on their cheeks. These cheek pouches should be an off-white color. The specific color used in all these images is #FFFAF0. Looks like they can inflate and puff out their cheeks on command. Memco Nyulop's whiskers are behind the cheek pouches, not in front.


Both Nyulop and Draken Memco kids seem to have the AP Sporepole Tail by default. Makes sense considering they were originally Sporepoles.


Unlike standard Nyulop and Draken, Memco kids lack prominent fangs. Their mouths also seem to lack the distinct shape native to both; instead, the mouth is smooth and flat.

Memco Palettes

Memco Creation

Looks like Memento and Corduroy were surprised by how well their little chaos mishap was with the residents that they're willing to create more

What does this mean for members?

This mean that Memco Kids will make a return whenever Topsy and the kids are back in town! They might not make a return every year, it takes a lot out of the little finley.


How will prompts be handled?

With the feedback from the initial release, mods have decided on only keeping the Meet an NPC of your desired alignment/element! As for the app, please have the Memco colors for the alignment/element already present. You do not need to color them with the Sporepole colors.


There is also no time limit to get the above prompt submitted. Please submit prompt entries to the General folder.


Use the specific apps for Memco Kids that are below for your kids.

Remember to include this information in the description:​

  • Name:

  • Species:

  • Element/Alignment:

  • Type: (Round, Thorny, Speedy)

  • Gender:

  • Creation: Memco

Memco Adults

Welcome to Memco Kids Grow Up Guide

So you've reached level 5 and are ready to grow into a teenager!


Memco Draken and Nyulop abide by many of the same rules for growing up as their standard counterparts. Make sure you review the grow-up guides for Draken and Nyulop as they will provide a more in-depth explanation of the rules and requirements.


With that taken into consideration, there are still a few areas that are unique to Memco kids and need to be considered when moving forward with a grow-up. This guide will detail all the necessary information for you. Please ensure you read carefully. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the Discord server.


Best of luck with getting approved!

Anatomy of Memco Adults

Well now that your Memco kid has grown up, similarly to Sporepoles, they’re looking closer to the type of Toadstool they are. The mushroom on a Memco kid can be any mushroom found in Whistler Crest, which can be found here, the mushroom may affect the cheek pouches by taking on similar colors found on the mushroom. Below are visual guides and traits for each type of Memco kid.

Round Memco

Similar to Round Toadstools, Round Memco kids sport a mushroom cap on top of their heads. Mana organs must still be visible, the cap can not cover them. Rounds are also heftier than standard, they are round after, all not skinny.

Thorny Memco

Similar to Thorny Toadstools, Thorny Memco kids are covered in small spikes in areas as shown above. For Thornys, their mushroom is located on their back.

Speedy Memco

Similar to Speedy Toadstool, Speed Memco kids have elongated arms and legs. This has caused them to be taller than standard, with Speedy Nyulops reaching Lep height. Their heights are 6’4 [192.1 cm] to 7’5 [226.5 cm] (Draken) and 5’10 [177.8 cm] to 6’7 [200.7 cm] (Nyulop). A Speedy’s mushroom takes the place of its tail.

What Things are Inaccessible?

Horn upgrades are inaccessible to Round Memco

Back related upgrades are inaccessible to Thorny Memco

Tail upgrades are inaccessible to Speedy Memco

Rules for Growing Up

Memco kids must abide by all rules and guidelines set out for Standard and Subspecies for Draken and Nyulop.


Please ensure you review the requirements for applications.


They grow up using the same template and by leaving a link to the application in the respective chat in the Discord server as you would with a standard Nyulop or Draken.

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